Since "The Rapture" will allegedly be happening this evening, I have been thinking about the future of humanity and it's mythologies. Once all of the Jesus-y people disappear this evening the human race will most likely be looking for some new gods to believe in. Well, at least those of us who were raised all Jesus-y. I assume that the other 90% of the world will just keep plugging along with their gods and goddesses.
I like to imagine that it is 5000 years in the future and that these are giant colossi that are worshipped as gods. But then I realize that the worship of The New Trinity (The Superman, The Batman and The Wonder Woman [also known as: The Last Son, The Dark Knight and The Warrior Princess]) was quashed a thousand years before when Our Robot Alien Overlords arrived and now worship of The New Trinity has been outlawed and is essentially the new voodoo that is practiced only by an underground rebel group that is slowly working to overthrow Our Robot Alien Overlords so that the Human Race can once again dominate the galaxy!
Anyway, just my thoughts on this lovely sunny raptury day in SoCal!
Good luck everyone!