So, I am back in Singapore.
It's been a long week. I got in Monday afternoon and pretty much worked 12+ hour days for the first few days on Project #2. Unfortunately this meant that Project #1 sort of fell behind. So, from Thursday afternoon until this evening I have been playing catch up on Project #1. And it looks like I'll have to go to site tomorrow morning, Sunday, for a few things and then have to be back to the hotel by 3:00pm for an afternoon meeting about lighting. And this coming week is not looking any better.
And, most of all, I am really missing Seth. I just want to be home in my own bed, curled up next to him and our cat.
I mean, I know that this is what I signed up for. Being on site for install means long hours, long days and long weeks and being away from family and friends (at least the friends that are not on this project with me!). I was just hoping to be over the jet lag before all that started. I guess I was wrong.
And to top it off, I have not even gotten over to Bella Pizza for Antonio's wonderful Italian creations! An up side is that I am supposed to have dinner tomorrow evening with my friend Chuck Spina.
Alright, enough bitching for today! It's time for a few episodes of Dollhouse on iTunes and then bed so that I can start the whole thing all over again tomorrow!
Blog ya soon!